Reindict Margaret Murphy

Reindict Margaret Murphy

Alaskans and All Americans, Protect your Rights! (consider filling out and sending the below short message) Independent Prosecutor Clint Campion, WE the people ask that you seek a new indictment of Judge Margaret Murphy for lying under oath to the Grand Jury. Judge Matthews wrote, the “Independent Prosecutor may choose to present the case to the grand jury for a new indictment,” suggesting that even the Judge feels there is credible evidence. Alaskans are speaking up. They are fighting for the preservation of their rights to identify and hold accountable, those who are involved in governmental corruption. Thank you for…
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Weekly Zoom Meeting

Join our weekly Saturday 8pm Alaska Grand Juror Association meetings again. Link: Saturdays 8PM AND EVERY SATURDAY If the link above doesn’t work the meeting ID number is now the same as my phone number so you can’t forget: 907 398 6403 Passcode is also hard to forget: 1234 AGJA CALENDAR 
The Grand Jury Handbook

The Grand Jury Handbook

HB384 FOR AN ACT ENTITLED "An Act relating to grand juries; amending Rules 6(e), (i), (n), (p), (s), and (u), Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure; and repealing Rules 6(j) and 6.1, Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure." BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: * Section 1. AS 12.40.010 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: (b) The official grand jury handbook is the handbook titled "Alaska Grand Jury Handbook," distributed by The Supreme Court of Alaska, that was acquired by the National Criminal Justice Reference Service on October 25, 1982. * Sec. 2. AS…

Consider the impact writing a letter to your legislators could have- Sample by Mark Dundore

Mark Dundore writes in the strongest support possible of HB384. The following is an exerpt from Mark relating to grand juries. HB384 "An Act relating to grand juries; amending Rules 6(e), (i), (n), (p), (s), and (u), Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure; and repealing Rules 6(j) and 6.1, Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure." AGJA supports this bill. This absolutely needs to be passed and I urge you to make every effort to make it happen. I have been in the process of trying to obtain any report of a Grand Jury investigation in Anchorage.  I was informed by Kevin Kackman…
Margaret Murphy hearing

Join us March 21, 2024 10AM for the Hearing for Margaret Murphy in Anchorage

Judge Margret Murphy has a hearing set for March 21 at 10 AM for trial call  oral arguments in 3HO-23-00295 CR to the Anchorage Nesbett Courthouse, room 401 at 10am. This will also be live-streamed on the Alaska Court System website:  but a better source will be Politadicks website or his facebook.  This two-year and ongoing Grand Jury investigation, indictment, and report/recommendation concerns systemic judicial corruption.  This indicates a cover up in Alaska - implicating even current Alaska Supreme Court Justices and Marla Greenstein, Alaska's only judge investigator for the last 35 years and counting (over 8000 judge investigations…
Alaska Grand Jurors Association – Exposing the corruption in the Judicial System – 2024

Alaska Grand Jurors Association – Exposing the corruption in the Judicial System – 2024

Watch Video Here : Alaska Grand Jurors Association – Exposing the corruption in the Judicial System – 2024 Are you an Alaska resident? Are you aware of the corruption in the Alaska court system? Corruption affects all of us no matter what political party you might be affiliated with. Your individual rights are being violated from the State Supreme Court, all the way to the lower courts. Learn how the Alaska Grand Jurors Association is fighting for yours and everyone else's State Constitutional Rights. It is time to stand up and be heard for there is only one judicial system…