Retention elections for judges.  Is the lack of oversite allowing corruption on the bench

Retention elections for judges. Is the lack of oversite allowing corruption on the bench

Many people are unaware of the impact of retention elections.  Currently Alaska and 18 other states use these types of elections to retain judges.  Few voters are aware of the real issues with those on the bench.  The number of complaints is not even counted against each judge. When you clean the house all the dust bunnies get taken out.  If you never move your couch or it takes you say 35 years to do so, you will find a mass of unwanted items.  This is the same effect as not cleaning our court benches.  As you go forward this…
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Weekly Zoom Meeting – Join AGJA members for a zoom conference. Nov 2 6PM

Join our weekly Saturday 8pm Alaska Grand Juror Association meetings again. Link: Saturdays 8PM AND EVERY SATURDAY If the link above doesn’t work the meeting ID number is now the same as my phone number so you can’t forget: 907 398 6403 Passcode is also hard to forget: 1234 AGJA CALENDAR 
In the upcoming election Judges up for rentention votes should be voted out

In the upcoming election Judges up for rentention votes should be voted out

In the upcoming election you will find 15 judges who are up for retention.  Lots of people have questions about how to vote regarding these judges.  Some people have no questions at all and just take the Alaska Judicial Council recommendations.  98% of the time the judicial council will recommend keeping all judges. This article gives you easy to understand information on how the council makes these recommendations.  It also gives you valid reasons not to keep any of the judges currently sitting on any bench.  Before simply voting to keep these judges on the bench, take a little time…
Supreme Court of AK justices

Exposing corruption of the state judicial system is the focus of Alaska Grand Jurors Association and a reason to ask questions

AGJA is a simple grass roots organization that seeks to grow the knowledge of taxpayers about unethical actions of our government, particularly in conjunction with the court system.  Started to restore the rights of grand jurors to investigate as state in the Alaska State Constitution, AGJA is evolving into an effort to right corruption in the courts. We seek to educate people about cases, laws and the constitution as it pertains to the protections, we are all entitled to.  It is hard to pinpoint the catalyst that started this movement but surely the case of David Haeg did play a…