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Weekly Zoom Meeting

Join our weekly Saturday 8pm Alaska Grand Juror Association meetings again. Link: Saturdays 8PM AND EVERY SATURDAY https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9073986403?pwd=Dgwv3nK9k2MtvAYwXKWltCQBEag3ss.1 If the link above doesn’t work the meeting ID number is now the same as my phone number so you can’t forget: 907 398 6403 Passcode is also hard to forget: 1234 AGJA CALENDAR 
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Weekly Zoom Meeting

Join our weekly Saturday 8pm Alaska Grand Juror Association meetings again. Link: Saturdays 8PM AND EVERY SATURDAY https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9073986403?pwd=Dgwv3nK9k2MtvAYwXKWltCQBEag3ss.1 If the link above doesn’t work the meeting ID number is now the same as my phone number so you can’t forget: 907 398 6403 Passcode is also hard to forget: 1234
AGJA letter to share with Prosecutor Clint Campion

AGJA letter to share with Prosecutor Clint Campion

Independent Prosecutor Campion, Thank you for speaking with me about the recent dismissal of the indictment against Judge Margearet Murphy. As discussed, the dismissal had nothing to do with whether or not Judge Murphy was in fact guilty of felony perjury to the Kenai Grand Jury, but was based on technical issues: A juror who went missing reduced the number of Grand Jury members below the required 12. The indictment was not specific enough. The Grand Jury was not given proper instructions. The Grand Jury was given inadmissible evidence. You agreed all these problems could be solved by simply giving…