Alaska Judicial Corruption Timeline

Alaska Judicial Corruption Timeline

1955: Alaskan citizens elect 55 Delegates from all over Alaska to write a constitution that will protect all future Alaskans from government tyranny. 1955-1956: Constitutional Convention Delegates carefully write Alaska’s Constitution. Other than the last-resort right to bear arms, the only take-action right the delegates give us to physically confront and stop government corruption is our citizen grand juries: Article 1, Section 8 “The power of grand juries to investigate and make recommendations concerning the public welfare or safety shall never be suspended.” Without a single Delegate in opposition, they agreed that grand juries have the power to investigate and…

Weekly Zoom meetings Saturdays

I am trying to start up our weekly Saturday 8pm Alaska Grand Juror Association meetings again. Link: If the link above doesn’t work the meeting ID number is now the same as my phone number so you can’t forget: 907 398 6403 Passcode is also hard to forget: 1234 Next hearing for Judge Murphy’s prosecution on felony perjury charges is January 8, 2024 at 10 am in the Homer Courthouse. Please try to attend. David Haeg