Court rulings ruin a family and cost us millions

Dont get walked on

There is nothing more traumatic than something that impacts your family unity, finances or health and safety.  Most people are aware that false allegations of abuse create situations for families that can impact one or all of these critical areas.  For AK MOM who is an amazing woman and mother it was life changing.  When it comes down to it this crisis did not just impact her but the children and all of us Tax Payers as well.  For the last three years we have paid for the negligent care of her wrongfully removed children in OCS custody.  We have paid for legal fees and judical misconduct involving this case.  This is now and forever going to fully impact a whole family generation.  This is a huge govenment failure.  Cases like this do not just affect that family but yours and mine.  Being told they should consider a civil suit is a slap in the face.  Most attorneys are expensive, hard or impossible to find and fund, and NONE can undo the damage waged by an agecy paid for with out tax dollars.

There is no justice when you family has been wrongly ruined and that time cannot be returned.  No court case can give that back.  David Ignell has followed this case and done the best he can to tell the truth .  His stories are frequently discounted by the state and mocked by govement officials but in truth they should be a foundation for an over haul of this agency.  In this case the costs will never really be understood.  We cannot know the damages until we watch these children try to recover what was stolen by state agents and court errors.

How do we stop these types of judicial misconduct and aggregious behavior on the part of state agents?  The answer is easy.  Follow AGJA, follow the State of Alaska Constitution, and make justice accessible for all.  Our current system is extremely broken.  We must engage in responsible and accountable goverment actions.  We must be able to redress the wrongful actions of any government agency paid for with out tax dollars, starting with our judical system.  It is  unconscionable to allow agenies or boards like the Alaska Judicial Council to maintain members without term limits.  These choices allow for collusion, corruption and gaps in ethics to permeate the core of our govenment.  Marla Greenstein the only judicial investigator since 1989 has no checks and balance when she is surrounded by a board made up of long term incumbents.  The questions raised by AGJA and Alaska State Of Corruption raise valid points for all Alaskans.

Each year there is a review of judges.  Questions are asked of them to ensure they have input. The same opportunity is not given to the public except through the Alaska Judicial Council which again is chaired by long term sitting individuals.  Community involvement should not be resting on the shoulders of a few as it is part of the duty of tax payers to attend to the ethics of those they elect to preside over them.  This would include the judicial system, whic apparently can have quite and impact of not only a single family but the cost of justice.  In AK Mom’s families case it should be called injustice!

THIS STORY is not over and nor is the fight to protect the rights of all tax payers under the Alaska State Consitution.  We simply need to ask you to consider how you are ipacted by injustice to others.  There are clear lines of dominoes that fall on each of us as we navigate the concept of 6 degrees of separation.  Not my monkey not my problem is not going to cut it anymore.  It is time for all Alaskans to speak up and weigh the consequences.


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