Our Servants: Enemies of the People.

Our Servants: Enemies of the People.

Our Servants: Enemies of the People.
American life has become controlled by lawyers and judges due to the People’s sloth and abdication, and because the legal industry has worked steadily to kill off Grand Jury by first making it a rubber stamp,
then coaxing corrupt state legislatures to hamper or kill it. I’m sure that state legislators fear losing their sweet deals, but We The People are fools to give up our most powerful law enforcement institution. For too long we’ve deferred to corrupt operators in legislatures. As former Stanford Law School dean Larry Kramer wrote, “The supreme Court is not the highest authority in the land on constitutional law. We are.” 18 Given our Constitution, civics can be defined as simply: Who is Boss?

At TACTICAL CIVICS™, we consider ourselves missionaries. Our mission field is Americans who are ignorant of basic civics. Because they have no appreciation for the uniquely powerful U.S. Constitution, we start new members off by simplifying and clarifying terminology. In 1951, the Kefauver Crime Investigating Committee of the 82nd Congress warned Americans not to rely on the government to control racketeering and organized crime in the United States. The Committee advised the people to use their local Grand Juries to ar rest the corruption in their own communities. But by 1969, criminologist Donald Cressey’s book Theft of The Nation presented over 400 pages of evidence that organized crime all but owned Congress and most of the state palaces. And that was over 50 years ago!
The Fifth Amendment requires that charges for capital and infamous crimes be brought by an indictment returned by a Grand Jury; so courts
or legislatures can’t abolish grand juries. But the federal system, by modifying Rule 6 in their Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, just                                                                                                                                        stripped the federal People’s Panels of their powers, turning them into rubber stamps for prosecutors.


Wilde Bill


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