January 8th Oral Arguments in Murphy Trial in ANCHORAGE Nesbett CR 401 10AM

Join AGJA for a Rally for Gran Jurors rights outside the Nesbett Courthouse at 8:45 til 9:30 to encourage the judicial system to support ethical conduct by judges.  Hearing starts at 10AM sharp so we need to be inside and QUIETLY PEACEFULLY seated to listen to the events. Bring a sign or borrow one we have plenty.  Anyone coming from out of Anchorage bowl may request a bed by contacting Sarah Short 9079170969

AGJA Weekly Zoom Meeting

Join our weekly Saturday 8pm Alaska Grand Juror Association meetings again. Link: Saturdays 8PM AND EVERY SATURDAY https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9073986403?pwd=Dgwv3nK9k2MtvAYwXKWltCQBEag3ss.1 If the link above doesn’t work the meeting ID number is now the same as my phone number so you can’t forget: 907 398 6403 Passcode is also hard to forget: 1234

Weekly Zoom Meeting

Join AGJA for the weekly Saturday evening Zoom Meeting Zoom ID 907-389-6403 passcode 1234 WE have a lot to discuss this evening so please join us. Join our weekly Saturday 8pm Alaska Grand Juror Association meetings again. Link: Saturdays 8PM AND EVERY SATURDAY https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9073986403?pwd=Dgwv3nK9k2MtvAYwXKWltCQBEag3ss.1 If the link above doesn’t work the meeting ID number is now the same as my phone number so you can’t forget: 907 398 6403 Passcode is also hard to forget: 1234

KSRM Bob Bird Radio Show hosts guest David Haeg

Join KSRM for TALK OF THE KENAI with Bob Bird a discussion on Judicial events lilely related to the Margeret Murphy technical dismal.  CALL in to 907-283-5811 to speak to Bob or ask David Questions.  

OUT OF TIME to refile Indictment for Judge Murphy

Make sure support of Davids letter and the opportunity to indict Margaret Murphy on the same charges.  Send your version of support your legislators and Clinton Campion Idependent Prosecutor before today.

Weekly Zoom Meeting

Join our weekly Saturday 8pm Alaska Grand Juror Association meetings again. Link: Saturdays 8PM AND EVERY SATURDAY https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9073986403?pwd=Dgwv3nK9k2MtvAYwXKWltCQBEag3ss.1 If the link above doesn’t work the meeting ID number is now the same as my phone number so you can’t forget: 907 398 6403 Passcode is also hard to forget: 1234

Education and Presentation by David Haeg

Join members of the community and David Haeg as the President of AGJA for an educational presentation on Alaska Grant Jury rights. Come meet David Haeg from 6-9PM on March 14 at the Homer Aspen hotel at 91 Sterling Hwy, Homer, AK 99603

Rally in support of Grand Jurors rights to investigate

https://courts.alaska.gov/courtdir/3an.htm 825 W 4th Ave, Anchorage, AK, United States

Anchorage, Alaska - Nesbett Courthouse March 21 (Thursday), 10 am.  Come at 8:30 am if you wish to join waving signs supporting Grand Jury rights.

Educational Meet and Greet with AGJA President David Haeg

Join members of the community and David Haeg as the President of AGJA for an educational presentation on Alaska Grant Jury rights. Come meet David Haeg from 6-9PM on March 16th at the Paradisos Restaurant in Kenai Alaska

Anchorage rally in support of Grand Jurors Consitutional right to investigate

Nesbett Courthouse 825 W 4th Ave, Anchorage, AK, United States

Join AGJA members at the Nesbett courthouse March 21 at 8:30 am to wave signs supporting Grand Jury rights.  Bring you own sign or borrow one of ours.  The truth must be protected.  Everyone going before a court has the right to ethical treatment and a fair trial.  Alaska State Constitution gives the people the protections against judicial corruption through gand jury investigations.

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