A letter about Alaskan Rights from a concerned citizen

A letter about Alaskan Rights from a concerned citizen
Request for investigation


How many times do we-the-people have to speak up? How many news articles have been written about the injustices that some (usually the poor and uneducated and people of color) Alaskans have had to face because our elected Governor will not exercise his Constitutional authority Article III Sec. 16?  Governor Dunleavy took office in 2018 and then was re-elected 2022.  How many years does it take to remedy the wrong, correct the dysfunctional OCS system, etc.  Problems are getting worse, not better.  Listen to the link about SB 31.
There are many injustices that are happening to several of we-the-people that attended the Homer Courthouse hearing for Judge Murphy this past Friday.   In my testimony (link is below) one injustice to one person is one too many.  Everyone, especially our children and grandchildren need us to keep showing up, speaking up and standing against the many injustices that are being condoned through non-action by our Governor and some of our Senators and Representatives.  The DOL not being equipped to handle my requests, is not we-the-peoples problem, but it is Governor Dunleavy’s problem and responsibility.  Why did Adam Crum change jobs?  Because Commission Crum couldn’t fix the OCS problem?  Why let him change positions within the State departments?
I wrote a letter that is pictured below.  If we can’t get a state investigation then U.S. Attorney Garland can/should start a federal investigation.  Please read.  You may also listen.  Pay close attention to Senator Matt Claman’s questions and comments.  Thank you!

Addresses 33rd Legislator.  Chief Justice Winfree didn’t follow the law, he called AG Taylor and changed the constitution – SCO 1993.  He didn’t reach a legally based resolution of the dispute,….  Page 10 He sees the political dispute as just another legal dispute……  Page 11 Democracy and the rule of law depend upon an independent judiciary willing to make the hard calls without favor or bias….
the Alaska Constitution Article I Sec 8 wasn’t favorable to his legal outcome so he contacted AG Taylor and didn’t they change (violate) the constitution but NOT the law.  Read the 2018 petition for a special grand jury pictured below.  The Alaska Statutes were not amended.  Why?  Because to amend a statute, a bill is presented to the legislature to amend or introduce.  A senator or representative sponsors and then there is co-sponsors.  We the people are then given opportunity to give input in favor or not in favor.
Since 2018 many Alaskans have been asking for a special investigation regarding Ms. Greenstein and Judge Wells.
September 2022 David Ignell made a request before Judge Amy Mead (she’s on the AJC) to go before a grand jury.
Thomas Garber, October 2022 before Judge Morse made a request to go before the grand jury and gave the “unidentified binder” to Judge Morse.  Did Mr. Garber’s “unidentified binder” prove beyond doubt that the public safety and well-being of many Alaskans were at risk and/or in perilous situations of their children being harmed, their parental constitutional rights being violated?  OCS is still toxic and dysfunctional as of 2/2023.
Didn’t the 33rd Legislators have knowledge of existing violations citizens rights regarding the grand jury in 2018?
The 33rd Legislators had prior knowledge of the toxic and dysfunctional history and present status of OCS.
Presentation by Alaska’s Citizens Review Panel Report and Kim Guay from the Department of Family and Community Services OCS
4 Disney employees and former judge.
Many children are at risk of being taken into the abyss of human sex trafficking.  Please listen at the link.  There are many many more.
Please read and/or listen to this link.   SB 31 Review and Selection of Judges.
Please read the STATE OF THE JUDICIARY ADDRESS by Chief Justice Winfree.
On page 8 Chief Justice refers to the Constitution as that “pesky” Alaska Constitution.
“We all generally like the concept of majority rule—how many times do we hear that elections matter?  But unconstrained transactional politics and majority rule have dangers that may place minority rights and privileges as risk.  So, what constrains political-transaction, majority rule?  Well, there is that pesky Alaska Constitution.  One of my few recollections of law school classwork is a professor’s description of the law as riverbanks—in this context, the political branches generally can do what they want as long as they stay in the flow between the riverbanks.  But they can’t jump over or unilaterally change this riverbanks.  Then, of course, the question areas:  who guards those riverbanks?”…….. “We don’t check with personal friends in the legislature or executive branch to see how they feel about it.  We consider only the evidence presented in court and the relevant law, and we disregard everything else that could inappropriately influence the outcome, whether the decision affects one person, a family, a community, or everyone in Alaska.”…… “I look to the facts, I look to the law to determine the correct analysis, and I reach a legally based resolution of the dispute just like I do…”   https://courts.alaska.gov/soj/docs/2023.pdf
The above was written by a very concerned, VERY well educated and involved Alaskan.  More of us should be this educated and sharing this information.  I challenge each of you to point 10 people to this website or to share the link to AGJA so that others may become involved.  No law should be made from the bench.  No citizen should be stripped of their rights by corrupt officials paid for with our own money.


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