The problem of SCO 1993 which can be repealed impacts all those seeking equal access to ethical justice

The problem of SCO 1993 which can be repealed impacts all those seeking equal access to ethical justice
Corruption in Courts
When we think about our judicial system we all should be entitlted to equal access to ethical justice.  In the case of Margeret Murphy the 12th juror that wasn’t seated after the indictment?  The indictment was voted on with all 12 jurors but then one disappeared with no explanation or attempt to find and reseat this person.  It is the State judicial…fault, error, etc.  NOT we the people.  Remember the resolution and petition from years ago?  David Haeg and Ray Southwell were spot on.  SCO 1993 can be voided under Article IV Section 15 Rule-Making Power.  The supreme court, not Chief Justice Winfree and AG Taylor says,  “These rules may be changed by the legislature by two-thirds vote of the members elected to each house.  We want all legislators to change or delete SCO 1993.
No lawsuit because the Governor, Lt. Governor and AG have full legal counsel at the expense of the tax payers and if an ethics complaint is filed against one or all three of them the ethics complaint becomes confidential.  Our Legislators need to delete this stupid rule too.  Discriminates against us who have no money to afford a “team of lawyers” that are members of the Alaska Bar Association.
If we have to follow the rules so do the Justices and Judges!  Rules but the Judiciary doesn’t make the laws or amend the laws, the Legislative Branch does.
Is the Governor or the Chief Justice her supervisor?  Ms. Greenstein is a State employee and the commissioners serve at the pleasure of the Governor.  Governor Dunleavy is a Republican and he can bring forth Judicial Reform.
Amend AS 08.08 or bring forth a new bill that states we the people are the “organized bar”.
David Haeg has spoken of a balanced justice system. All citizens are entitle to this and we should be working together the ensure that exists.  The fact is that the court system has failed in providing this.


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